axentec PLC


About Sales Force Automation

  • Location Tracking
  • Attendance Management
  • Task Assignment
  • Route Planning
  • Route Planning
  • Managing Organizational Hierarchy

Key Features

Why choose Sales Force Automation

Enhances sales operations

Increases Efficiency

Minimize operating costs

Increase revenue

Increase field force performance.


Solutions for your business


Order, Invoice Delivery, Return

Collection, Stock, Return Stock


Approval hierarchy

Can be uploaded from HQ

By line manager

Effective visit


Proximity based attendance


Leave Type

Auto calculation

Paper less


Visit Summary

Site Visit




Live KPI

Competition board

Best performer


Benefits of SFA

Sales Force Automation streamlines sales processes, improves efficiency, enhances customer management, boosts sales forecasting accuracy, reduces manual tasks, and increases overall sales team productivity.

Effective Resource Tracking and Cost Optimization

Company is able to control and track the field force based on customer wise and location wise automated system using zero-cost Broadcast messages

Automated Attendance system and Real time monitoring

Workforce can input their daily attendance and the administrator can monitor and generate required reports from the web-based platform

Geo-Fencing and Task Management

Each resource can be allocated with task via system and the working location can be specified via Geo-Fencing.

Compatible with any ERP

Automation for depot management, sales and other system components. Interoperable with SAP, Oracle or any other existing ERP.

Our Prominent Clients


Trusted by Brands

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Advice from our experts.

Want to know more about this solution?

John Doe is a senior business consultant and expert in continuity. He knows how the business network of the future can work for your company and your people. And how to stay safe and optimally connected. 

To Ask?. Just call: +8801886606060

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