axentec PLC

Key Features

Why should you choose Enterprise Resource Locator

Reasonably low cost with pay as you go

No expensive training cost

No Capital Investment

Easy and smooth data migration

No duplication of effort

Business overview at a glance

Robust Reporting

Better check and monitor

Helping decision making process

Better accountability


Solutions for your business

Employee expenses entry and management directly to General Ledger through Journal sub-modules or auto/manual posting through integrated Payroll module

Payments and cash management with Bank Reconciliation

Cost Accounting and Budgeting with variance analysis and management by exception with delegation of financial authority and control.

Integrated with Fixed Assets module with configurable auto/manual posting to General Ledger of depreciation, depletion, amortization, disposal journal.

Complete audit trail across the entire business management system

Support call center capabilities with instantly traceable information from knowledge base.

Manage your contacts and sales pipeline

Builds strong relationships with prospects (Leads, Opportunity) and customers

Create effective marketing campaigns, comparing costs against planned budget

Classify customer based on sales turnover, debtor’s turnover, payment habit etc. to serve them better.

Calculate sales commission by sales person/sales agent or by territory based on respective sales

Customizable pricing rules by item and by customer

Create your own cash collection process through designing special communication including automated reminders or follow up

Better order processing resulting in improved Customer service levels, increased productivity, and increased sales volume.

Capable of handling multiple location and even mobility.

Enriched with a robust reporting feature which is user friendly and capable to produce daily, weekly, monthly, annual sales and hourly transactions.

Compatible with the touch-friendly Point of Sales interface in addition to aged PC to quickly record a Bill, its payment and the resulting inventory reduction.

Helps to have a streamlined process of raising purchase requisition considering available stock, stock in the pipeline, re-order level so as to help to place order with suppliers

Stock management by physical location, batch, lot, quality status, serial numbers, and expiry dates other inventory costing methods like FIFO, LIFO, Average and FEFO.

Inter-site stock transfers and stock in transit management, enabling you to track lost damaged or stolen items.

Order and product traceability to and from in either way i.e. forward or backward

Track inventory levels up to warehouse/distribution or sales center and make required corrections on manual inspection.

Build strong relationships with source and gain competitive pricing in procurement

Manage your contacts and purchase pipeline

Optimize procurement through assessing procurement lead-time with reliable supplier using SRM module. Use outstanding and better supplier service with better and improved suppliers relationship

Open item management and tracking

Create user-defined payment process

Plan and order with or without MRP replenishment

Comprehensive supplier rating and classification and statistics

Create and use free pricing criteria and associated rules

Manage payment term scheduling

Personnel Management comprised of Employee master-data, personnel administration, recruitment and salary administration. It also includes transfer, posting, job history, retirement etc.

Organizational management including , organizational structure, staffing schedules and job descriptions

Holiday calendar facilitates leave management to reduce absence. Allows employees to submit leave claims and monitor their leave balance, while managers can review such requests and notify employees of approved or declined claims. The module also calculates accrued leaves for wage calculation.

Personal Development section comprised of training and event management, additional training determination and training assessment

Prepare, run and pay with minimum effort with our inbuilt payroll function

Wages are automatically calculated while run based on your pre-set schedule: daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly

The system automatically does the calculations based on latest regulations

Let you manage multiple shifts and transfers and biometric integration to show real time clock-in/out

Generate various reports including salary statements, benefits reports or leave summaries

Assemble, manufacture and configure to order.

Create replenishment and planning rules

Manage master production schedule and materials resource planning schedules

Lifecycle management tracks assets from acquisition through final disposition

Multiple depreciation books associated with each asset allows users to calculate depreciation for various purposes including tax, corporate financials and for other purpose

Automatic links to financial modules enables calculated depreciation entries to be posted directly to the general ledger

Simplify financial and tax reporting with automatic generation of business and tax reports and forms

Define and allocate Tasks for projects and make time log entries for work done against tasks. Track orders, invoices and inventory against Projects and bill your customers using time logs

Define project as a series of services and deliverables

Maintenance contracts

Product lifecycle and spares

A letter of credit (LC), is a contractual agreement used as a credit instrument in International Trade to ensure payment for products that are shipped

The LC usually is requested by an exporter when an overseas customer is considered high risk, cannot provide adequate financial information to receive standard credit terms or is in a country that’s considered politically unstable.


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John Doe is a senior business consultant and expert in continuity. He knows how the business network of the future can work for your company and your people. And how to stay safe and optimally connected. 
He will work with you to find the best possible solution

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