axentec PLC

Cloud Storage Benefits for Fintech in Bangladesh

Fintech companies in Bangladesh can reduce their upfront capital expenditures by leveraging cloud services. They no longer need to invest heavily in on-premises infrastructure, which is often prohibitively expensive. Instead, they can pay for cloud resources on a flexible, pay-as-you-go basis, allowing for efficient allocation of resources and cost control.

Embracing cloud technology is a strategic imperative for the Bangladesh fintech industry. It offers cost savings, scalability, enhanced security, innovation opportunities, disaster recovery, and global reach. As the industry continues to grow and evolve, those fintech firms that leverage cloud solutions will be better positioned to thrive in the dynamic landscape of Bangladesh's financial technology sector.

Key Features

Why should you switch Robi Co-lo

Tier-4 Certification

Self-service portal

Comprehensive and cost-effective disaster recovery service

Access Control

Surveillance Footage

11KV Express Way Power Line

Carbon Emissions free

Equipment Power > 2N+1 redundancy

Earthquake of Magnitude 8.00 Tolerant

99.995% uptime

Annual <=26.3 minutes downtime

Military Grade Security

Space SFT/Rack


Benefits of Robi Co-lo

Robi Co-lo offers secure, scalable, and cost-effective colocation services, ensuring reliable uptime, expert support, and seamless business continuity.

No Infra. CAPEX, Only Few OPEX

Locally hosted – ensuring data sovereignty & legal compliance.

Easy for customers to adopt and grow.

24×7 Customer Support

Reduced IT administrative efforts

Resilient To Earthquake Up To 8.00

Fault Tolerance

Designed to scale just by augmenting workload capacity without changing the architecture.

Reliable by ensuring redundancy in all aspects i.e., network, computing, etc.

Get in touch

Advice from our experts.

Want to know more about this solution?

John Doe is a senior business consultant and expert in continuity. He knows how the business network of the future can work for your company and your people. And how to stay safe and optimally connected. 
He will work with you to find the best possible solution.

To Ask?. Just call: +8801886606060

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